Complete car wash

Complete car wash

Complete car wash in United-6

You might think that you don’t need to take your car to a car wash, but there’s a reason for that. Every car is a magnet for all kinds of dirt and dust. As a result, the interior in particular (without realising it) often becomes a trigger for various allergies and respiratory diseases.

On the other hand, a simple wash in the automatic washer, or a cursory vacuuming of the seats and a shake of the carpets may get rid of the biggest and most visible dirt, but the real pollution remains with us. However, a thorough dry cleaning will reliably rid you not only of this dirt, but also of the smell and pleasantly refresh the overall appearance.

Price list of complete car wash in United-6

Complete car wash from 3500 CZK

Prices are shown without VAT 21%

How it works?

Our complete car wash includes a dry cleaning of the interior, which is done by wet brushing, and a very thorough cleaning of the exterior (including all door openings and plastic components under the hood). This cleaning is done using the best, but also the most gentle products and agents. This makes our work fast, efficient and eliminates the risk of damage that can occur through inexpert handling and using the wrong cleaners in the wrong places.

This way, your car receives the best care and you can rest assured that it is well taken care of. At very reasonable prices, without wasting your time and with absolutely no effort, you can ensure that your vehicle’s interior and exterior are perfectly washed and cleaned.


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